This holiday will take place in Pacora District, Peru. Rancho Santana will be the starting point for the tour. Riding a horse in Peru is a way of appreciating the beautiful nature and culture of its land. During the tour, you will visit several places such as the witch market, the beach of Pimentel, the Pomac Forest, the pyramids of Tucume, and Huaca Bandera. Witch Marke is one of Peru’s most interesting markets, sprawling over several blocks.
Most notable for tourists is the Mercado de Brujos (witch doctors’ market) in the southwest corner. This area is a one-stop shop for medicine men and has everything you might need for a potent brew: whale bones, amulets, snake skins, vials of indeterminate tonics, hallucinogenic cacti, and piles of aromatic herbs.
Beach of Pimentel
It is the main beach resort in Lambayeque and is popular among vacationers and surfers. One of the main attractions is the Caballitos de Totora, reed boats used for fishing by Pre-Hispanic Peruvians and still in use today.
Museum Tumbas Reales of the Lord of Sipan (Moche Culture)
The Museum of the Royal Tombs of Sipán is the pride of northern Peru. It was built by the Mochica culture (200 to 600 AD). This is where the tomb of the Lord of Sipan was discovered. The gold-laden tomb is considered to be the richest and one of the most important archaeological discoveries in the last 30 years in the Americas.
Pomac Forest
The Sanctuary was created on June 1, 2001, to conserve the cultural and scenic zone made up of the forest of Pómac and the archeological complex of Sicán. It covers an area of 5,887.38 hectares at an altitude of between 80 and 300 masl. The site contains 36 pyramids from the pre-Inca culture of Sicán, and it was here that the tomb of the Lord of Sican was discovered: a lavish burial with approximately 1,2 tons of beautiful artifacts made of gold and other metals.
It is now possible to visit the archeological complex where the famous ceremonial knives known as Tumi were found. Pómac forest is a habitat for many species typically found in dry woods, especially birds of many kinds, some of which are endemic. It is an important spot for bird watchers. There are also different kinds of reptiles like iguanas and even the boa constrictor live there. The Sanctuary also contains an ancient tree: an enormous carob with a bizarre shape, over four centuries old.
Pyramids of Tucume
Pyramids of Tucume is considered as the largest and the most unique place in South America which are located around a magical and sacred mountain with 26 buildings over an area of 220 hectares. Completely unknown to most tourists, an obscure patch of plainlands between the Andes and the Pacific in northern Peru just happens to host one of the largest and most important groupings of ancient pyramids in the world.
Huaca Bandera
The 197-foot-long (60-meter-long) sacrificial chamber or passageway at the Huaca Bandera archaeological site belonged to the Moche culture, a pre-Columbian agricultural civilization that flourished on the north coast of Peru from about 100 BC to 800 AD. The several burials found in the sacrifice chamber "are from a time apparently after the site had been abandoned but continued to receive offerings to maintain the status of the elite sanctuary," archaeologist Carlos Wester La Torre, leader of the excavation, said in an email translated from Spanish.
A skeleton was found adorned with copper ornaments on her head and ceramics and seashells alongside. Inside, the vessels are seeds of the Nectandra plant, a psychoactive often used in ritual ceremonies.