This is a guided stationary ride based in Irish Horse Riding's An Sibin riding center. Depending on your riding level, Irish Horse Riding offer basic riding lessons for beginners or "rusty riders" (who might not have ridden for many years) and combine it with guided trail rides through the beautiful surrounding countryside from beginner to more experienced riding levels.
The riding is always done in the mornings (15 hours per week) so that the afternoons are free for the guests. Many would rent a car and enjoy some sightseeing in the afternoons, or just relax and go hiking.
The daily schedule is depending on your riding level: for good riders, Irish Horse Riding will take them on guided (two and a half hours) rides each morning at 09:30h.
Each guest can get their own horse ready by brushing and tacking up, but Irish Horse Riding is always there to help. You will ride varied routes through the beautiful quiet rural Irish countryside around the riding center.
You will also ride in the Slieve Aughty Mountains: on forests tracks, on country lanes, through bogs, passed old farm ruins, across small rivers, and enjoy stunning views over the majestic Shannon river.
For beginners or "rusty riders", you'll start with basic riding and horsemanship lessons at 09:30h and build them up slowly and safely to combine this with enjoyable easy rides through the countryside; each morning for two and a half hours.
All meals are at the riding center and the afternoons are free time to relax to go hiking or to go sightseeing (rental car needed).